Materials & Suppliers
The best materials, from trusted suppliers
Hestra’s suppliers are an extension of our business. We nurture long-term relationships and work with carefully selected companies that share our values of quality and responsibility.
We mainly buy leather, wool and synthetics. In total, Hestra has around 90 suppliers worldwide of which roughly 20 are tanneries that supply us with leather. The range of these companies is wide, both in terms of size and cultural background. But all have one thing in common: the sense of quality and orderliness. Building up long-term relationships, based on personal contact, mutual respect and reliability, is a crucial part of Hestra’s sustainable business philosophy. Many of our partners have been with us for decades. We meet them regularly, both on-site at their factories and at trade shows, and maintain an ongoing dialogue. New materials and qualities are often developed in close collaboration. This exchange of knowledge is valuable for both sides and strengthens the relationship.

Jonas Magnusson & Anton Magnusson.

Leather sourced from carefully chosen suppliers.
Building up long-term relationships, based on personal contact, mutual respect and reliability, is a crucial part of Hestra’s sustainable business philosophy. Many of our partners have been with us for decades.
At the same time, there is a systematic basis for our business relationships: Hestra’s Code of Conduct outlines our expectations towards our suppliers. The Code is based on the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct and refers to international conventions such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Rights of the Child, UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines, UN Global Compact and International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions. All business partners are asked to sign and comply to the Code of Conduct. Suppliers of leather and wool must also commit to our animal welfare policy.
Subcontractors have to comply with the European chemicals legislation REACH and local laws in each country of production. Our Restricted Substances List (RSL) is compiled by the Swedish Chemicals Group and the Textil importers. It is updated twice a year, and distributed to all suppliers. To ensure that the suppliers comply with the RSL, and to identify potential problems at an early stage, we test the materials at accredited laboratories of our choice. These tests are carried out one to three times a year using standardised methods. Materials used in a larger number of products are tested even more frequently.
We aim to source high quality leather with an appropriate sustainability performance. Leather tanning poses specific risks in terms of potential exposure to hazardous chemicals that can affect workers’ respiratory health. These chemicals can also affect local water quality, so we require all leather suppliers to have water treatment plants. To ensure that we avoid exposure to these risks, we maintain close contact with all our tanneries. This includes on-site visits and verification of the suppliers’ certifications. An important step was to join the Leather Working Group (LWG), which assesses the environmental and social performance of tanneries. In 2023/2024, 72 per cent of the leather supplied came from LWG-certified tanneries.
Hestra systematically assesses quality and delivery accuracy, supplemented by regular material testing at accredited laboratories. Beyond that we are working on routines to collect consistent data from all our suppliers to be able to identify the climate impact and other effects of our materials. In order to comply with the upcoming CSRD requirements, we will prepare for gathering more detailed climate data from our suppliers.

Durability test in Hestra laboratory, Hestra Sweden.